Large Firm Service. Small Firm Attention.

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Date(s) - November 5, 2016
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

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The TypeOneNationSummit is a free, all-day educational and networking opportunity for the T1D community. The summit brings together T1D Experts to share their knowledge on the latest treatments, breakthroughs in research, and the psycho-social aspects of living (and thriving!) with T1D. The event will feature a research update, a keynote address, multiple breakout sessions and workshops as well as unique opportunities for children and teens to meet and spend time with each other. The event is designed for all ages and offers something for everyone: parents, teens, adults, grandparents, caregivers, school nurses, healthcare providers, and more.

Erica M. Fitzgerald, Esq., will be a panelist in “T1D In school” in concurrent educational breakout sessions 1 & 2 – held from 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM and from 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM.

To learn more about this event, click here. Online registration is required for attendance. Contact Joan Benz for more information at [email protected] or 203-854-0658.