Large Firm Service. Small Firm Attention.

Special Needs Planning

Special Needs Planning

Do not be afraid to ask others to contribute to your supplemental needs trust

The cost of caring for a loved one with special needs after you are gone will likely be more than you estimate. Unexpected and unforeseen costs are a reality, so it is important that you leave your loved one with more than you think they may need. Once you have created a supplemental needs trust,…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

When a Loved One Needs a Guardian

Caring for a loved one is a situation that many people find themselves in, and the caregiver’s status as a guardian should be made official by the law. Often times, individuals begin taking care of a relative or loved one without thinking about the need for official legal documentation. If you are managing the health and financial decisions of loved one, becoming their legal guardian will simplify many common tasks.