Voting For Someone With Disabilities
Special Education Advocacy

Register In Time To Allow A Person With Disabilities To Vote

By Stacy M. Sadove, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP Voter registration deadlines for the upcoming Presidential election are rapidly approaching. The last day to submit voter registration in-person is October 14, 2016 to the DMV, County Board of Elections or  New York State Agency- Based Voter Registration Centers. Mailed voter registrations must be mailed/postmarked by October…

Estate Executor Liability
Elder Law & Estate Planning

Executors of an Estate Can Be Liable Even for Actions Taken Prior to Their Appointment

Being appointed the executor of a deceased person’s estate involves significant responsibilities. It’s crucial for executors to understand what they are required to do, because failing to fulfill their duties can result in liability to the estate, the beneficiaries, or even to the government for taxes. In some cases, liability may be imposed even for…

Special Needs Planning

ABLE Account Update

By Amy C. O’Hara, CELA® New York’s Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) savings account program became effective on April 1, 2016. However, the program is not yet available for individuals with disabilities to open an account.  The program is expected to launch at the end of 2016 or in 2017.  New York’s legislature recently…

Vacation Homes
Elder Law & Estate Planning

Address Your Vacation Home in Estate Planning

A family vacation home can contain a lot of important memories, and the generation who grew up spending quality time there may look forward to bringing their own children and grandchildren to the home for family reunions far into the future. However, there are certain considerations involved with passing a vacation home on to one’s…

Special Education Advocacy

The Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

At Littman Krooks, we work to help individuals with disabilities achieve meaningful benefits and live a fulfilling life. According to U.S. Census data from 2010, 56.7% in the United States have a disability – 19% of the non-institutionalized population. A disability can occur at any point in one’s life. The law protects all of us.…

Elder Abuse
Elder Law & Estate Planning

Even The Wealthy Must Protect Against Elder Abuse

The legal dispute over the mental competency of media magnate Sumner Redstone has put the issue of financial elder abuse in the spotlight. The Redstone controversy, newsworthy because the control of corporations worth billions of dollars is at stake, is also an important reminder that seniors — even those who are not billionaires — are…

Littman Krooks Special Education Advocacy
Special Education Advocacy

New York State Eases Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities

On June 14, 2016, the New York Board of Regents voted to ease the requirements for some special education students to earn high school diplomas, part of a series of changes designed to make it easier for students with disabilities to graduate. New York schools offer two types of diploma. The new regulation concerns local…

Protecting the Family Home
Elder Law & Estate Planning

When You Inherit Your Parents Home

Now that the Stark children are back in Winterfell, they will need to address issues abut the inheritance of their family home. The family home is one of the most valuable assets that people own and plan to pass down to their children. Inheriting your parents’ home brings up emotional and financial issues. Selling the…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

Prince Dies Without A Will

Tyka Nelson, Prince’s sister, filed documents in Minnesota probate court stating that Prince, born Prince Rogers Nelson, died without children, spouse or surviving parents, and with no known will. The petition filed by Ms. Nelson lists five half-siblings as heirs. Half-siblings are treated the same as full siblings under Minnesota law. Each state has its…

Special Education Advocacy

Understanding Mental Health: Education, Advocacy and Support

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq. May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Children and teens are particularly at risk for mental health issues—including depression, anxiety, PTSD and other issues. According to statistics from the Surgeon General, approximately one in five children in the U.S. will experience a mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder between kindergarten and graduation. Failure…