Large Firm Service. Small Firm Attention.
Special Needs Planning Benefits All Siblings
The Special Needs Alliance (SNA) is the premier organization in the country for advising families on special needs issues. Littman Krooks LLP partners Bernard A. Krooks (Past President) and Amy C. O’Hara (Current Vice President of the Board) are the only two members in the Hudson Valley and NYC area. The following is a guest…
Important News: Governor Orders that Special Education Services May Be Delivered in Person During Summer Term
By Marion M. Walsh, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP Finally, after months of parental advocacy, Governor Cuomo, on Friday, June 5, 2020, signed a new Executive Order, No. 202.37. The Order states that school districts may provide required in-person special education services during the summer term. It is essential to act now to advocate for your…
A Message to Our Clients and Friends
Dear Client and Friends, We are pleased to announce that we are open for in-person business beginning on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020. At Littman Krooks, the health and safety of our clients and staff is our highest priority. We pride ourselves on exemplary and individualized services to our clients. We understand the paramount importance of these tasks,…
Does Your Loved One Have Capacity To Sign Estate Planning Documents?
By: Bernard A. Krooks, Certified Elder Law Attorney Every day, more than 10,000 Americans reach the age of 65. Unfortunately, quantity of years does not necessarily equate to qualify of life. In fact, the golden years may turn out to be not so golden. As the size of the over-65 population continues to increase, the…
Do You Need A Trust?
By Bernard A. Krooks, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP This is the primary question asked by many of our estate planning clients. So, here are our top 10 reasons to consider a trust (in no particular order). Please keep in mind that there are many different types of trusts and one size does not fit all.…
Littman Krooks Sponsors NAMIWalks and Team LK will Walk Our Way on May 30th
By Marion M. Walsh, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP Littman Krooks is proud to sponsor NAMIWalks Westchester. Team LK will virtually walk with NAMIWalks Your Way on Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 10:00AM. I am honored to lead our virtual walk team – Team LK: Marion’s Marchers. Our work at Littman Krooks is aligned to NAMI’s work…
Caregivers May Be Eligible for Paid Leave Under CARES Act
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, families across the country are suffering unimaginable hardships. However, nowhere has been hit as hard by COVID-19 as New York City. Whether it be illness, job loss, lack of childcare or loss of a loved one, all New Yorkers have been affected by the virus in one way…
How to Prepare for IEP Meetings, 504 Meetings in a Virtual World to Help Ensure FAPE for your Child
By Marion Walsh, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP The United States Department of Education has confirmed that students with disabilities remain entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) during the COVID-19 national emergency. The New York State Education Department has similarly confirmed that students with disabilities are entitled to FAPE and has issued update guidance.…
Estate Planning for Young Families
One thing we’ve learned from this pandemic is it’s never too early to plan ahead. Those with young families may believe they are either too young to engage in estate planning, are unable to afford it or simply do not have the time. Estate planning for young families is essential for a number of reasons.…
10 Steps for Documenting Your Child’s Progress at Home
Students with disabilities are receiving a drastically reduced number of service hours. When they do receive services, it is questionable whether those service hours are being rendered with fidelity through the distance-learning platform. While we have been guided by the Department of Education to be flexible and understanding, and creatively collaborate with schools and educators,…